Experiência de Marca

Carlsberg shows how a "body should be ready"

After a total failure promotional marketing action performed by a cosmetics brand, Carlsberg took advantage and joined the angry people with the "perfect body" stereotypes.

In London, a dispute arose on different platforms brand campaign Protein World in which shows a woman with a sculpted body after using a reducing cream, which was perceived as inappropriate by much of the public. However, Carlsberg turned her wits.

So, taking advantage of this failed action for the brand Protein World was buzz, the brewer Carlsberg evinced that can draw attention and exploit the situation through its digital ad, which was placed in three seasons London Underground next to the controversial announcement of the reducing cream.

Photo: Disclosure


Carlsberg’s creative team gave the name of ‘Beach Body’ his promotional marketing action that emulated the announcement of Protein World in which ask viewers if your body is ready to go to the beach.

The result was positive, according to senior brand manager of Carlsberg, Dharmesh Rana, they used the negative campaign and transformed it into a positive. We only took advantage of the natural interest in mass Protein World campaign to push the values ??of our brand. ”

The success of this interview was the immediacy, ingenuity and creativity to seize the moment and turn it into something appealing to its own brand in a digital ad, which invites people who joined the protests on this ad promoting beauty stereotypes not take it so seriously and have a better attitude.