Experiência de Marca

KikKat's chages it's name in a promotional marketing action

Nestlé candy bar KitKat is being temporarily rebranded as "YouTube Break," with the new name appearing on 600,000 wrappers in the United Kingdom.

Nestlé candy bar KitKat is being temporarily rebranded as “YouTube Break,” with the new name appearing on 600,000 wrappers in the United Kingdom. As a marketing strategy using the slogan: “Hey, who needs sugar-based energy more than online video binge watchers?”

The brand will sponsor YouTube‘s trending videos on mobile devices in the U.K. as part of the undisclosed financial deal, with the candy appearing on smartphone screens constantly while folks use the video site.

Photo: Disclosure

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According to a video put out by the two companies, consumers can use their phones’ voice recognition software to say “YouTube my break” and get the day’s top-performing clips.

First reported by Foodmanufacture.co.uk today, the campaign is part of an ongoing, if not unusual, branding partnership that stems back to September 2013, when YouTube parent Google named its mobile operating system Android KitKat. At the time, “Android KitKat” appeared on 50 million KitKat wrappers around the globe.